Criteria of Reviewing studying plans

1- Match the curriculum for the college and university studied objectives, in light of the educational policy at kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
2- Clarity of the curriculum objectives via their three dimensions: Skillful, cognitive and interpersonal.
3- The Course description must include the following items: objectives, contents, evaluation tools, books, supplementary references and time table of the theoretical and practical courses including the final exams. Etc……
4- Commitment of studying plan by minimum and maximum studying units in the university.
5- Numbering of studying courses inside the department and college according to uniform system.
6- For theoretical courses, the number of studying units range from (2-3) units, and not exceeds 4 units in general courses.  The colleges which exceed the above numbers provide justification about the override reasons.
7- Studying courses of the plan are distributed on levels (not exceeding eight levels), in addition to 12 units (as a minimum) for each level as studying burden. 
8- Make sure that no duplication inside the college.
9- Stress on the unity of scientific department inside the university to avoid duplication. This can be done via coordination between the various related scientific departments inside the university.
10- Make sure that the plan keeps pace with the needs of the society and work market requirements.
11- Taking into account that the studying plan includes cooperative training program (or summer) in each department program in addition to field training program.

Form and criteria for preparation of the study plan framework (Program Manual) 

National Qualifications Framework (NQF) for Higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Forms for Program and Course Specifications (NCAAA)

Last Update
2/17/2015 9:37:54 AM