The Most common mistakes when preparing the studying plan

-Not arranging the courses asendingly during their description.
-Wrong Putting the expected output of the course.
-Differences between the name, symbol and/or, number when mention to them in more than one place.
-The presence of the course and the pre-request in the same semester
-Often not mention to the pre-request  in the tables of distributing the courses on the years or semesters.
-Using studying levels instead of semesters.
-Not putting the time table for distributing the theoretical and practical's contents on the number of weeks per semester.
-The text book data is not usually written in a complete manner.
-There no clarifications on the type of  studying (science / arts/theory) for the college during the studying the preparatory year.
-The presence of higher courses in the third or fourth year without the pre-requests.
-The presence of courses in the third or fourth year carrying the wrong hundred numbers.
-The operational plan was not inserted inside the final college plan.

Last Update
3/31/2010 10:38:43 AM