
Perhaps one of the basic tasks in the University is to develop and improve its studying curriculum periodically in proportion with the plans set by the university. This was done to be always one of the renowned prestigious universities in the region that are academically accredited according to scientific and technical knowledge.   Thus, it is well known that, one of the academic qualification standards of the university is the strength of the studying plans and the scientific content of the curriculum. So, the University therefore heeded and establishing several administrations and departments, the most important one was the developing curriculum unit that has been established in order to contribute to the implementation of KAU strategic plan and give substantial attention to the strength and development of the curricula and improvement periodically to be adopted with scientific achievement and requirement of work market. In addition to follow up the plans after acceptance or accreditation and putting the required criteria and models to be sure about the implementation of studying plan and syllabus as well as their output. This was done to be sure about the their fulfillment  to academic accreditation and restructuring academic plan.

Last Update
4/16/2013 11:04:26 AM